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World Library and Information Congress: 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council

"Libraries: Dynamic Engines for the Knowledge and Information Society"

20-24 August 2006, Seoul, Korea


Call for Papers

School Libraries and Resource Centres

The IFLA Section of School Libraries and Resource Centres joint with the Asia and Oceania Section calling for proposals for papers and posters for the Section's Open Session to be held as part of the 2006 World Library and Information Congress in Seoul, South Korea 2006

The overall theme of the conference is: Dynamic Engines for the Knowledge and Information Society.


Information Literacy for Young People: Evolving Models in a Changing World

Proposals that consider schools, school libraries, childrens libraries, or home schooling environments will be considered.

The Section is seeking proposals for 5 presentations. The Section prefers interactive presentations but each presentation must be backed by a paper that will be published on IFLANET.

Each presentation will be of approximately 20 minutes duration, with an additional five minutes for discussion.

The Section is also seeking proposals for Posters on the same theme. It is anticipated that up to 12 posters will be selected. The poster session will be of about 40 minutes duration and the author will talk to their poster.

Proposals should include the following information:
Title of Proposed Paper or Poster:
Name of Presenter/s:
Contact Information (mailing address, fax, email):
Abstract of Paper or Poster (200-300 words):
Short Biography of Presenter/s (maximum 100 words each)

Proposals may be submitted by air mail, fax, or email, to:
Prof. James Henri
Division of Information & Technology Studies
Faculty of Education
The University of Hong Kong
E-mail: jameshenri@hku.hk
Tel. +(852)28592849
Fax +(852) 25177194

Proposals will be reviewed by the Section's Program Committee for the IFLA 2006 Conference. Criteria will include originality, timeliness, relevance to an international IFLA audience, and relevance to the theme for this session.

Please note the following deadlines:
31 January 2006: Deadline for submission of proposals
28 February 2006: Notification of acceptance of proposals
15 April 2006: Submission of full papers.

Authors whose proposals are accepted will be provided with details of the requirements. The submitted papers will be reviewed by the Section Committee.

Note that IFLA does not meet conference registration, travel or accommodation costs for presenters, nor does it provide financial support.