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In Banda Aceh, Sumatra all of the major libraries suffered extensive damage

Tsunami and Indonesia

March 2005

The tsunami that struck Aceh on Boxing Day not only killed over 200,000 people but also destroyed much of Aceh's infrastracture.

In the capital, Banda Aceh, all of the major libraries suffered extensive damage. The State Library of Aceh (Badan Perpustakaan Daerah Propinsi Aceh) lost all of its children's, youth, adult and reference collections, and 23 of its staff were killed.

At least 2 of the 8 public libraries were wiped out. The Documentation and Information Centre of Aceh Library (Perpustakaan Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Aceh) seems to have lost all of its collections.

The National Library of Indonesia has a report on the damage (in Bahasa) on its website, and there are