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Information Technology Section

2003-2007 Conference Proceedings

Durban, South Africa, 2007

Information Technology, National Libraries with ICABS
National libraries and resource discovery strategies - local, national and global Information Technology
Second Life for libraries: Let's give users what they want: user driven library services

Seoul, Korea 2006

Information Technology with Audiovisual and Multimedia and National Libraries
New Access Technologies: Exploring the Heritage New Access Technologies: Tomorrow's Retrieval (ITS) Science and Technology Libraries with Information Technology
Workings of the ubiquitous library - Will all library services and content be available to anyone, anywhere at anytime? Information Technology with National Libraries with Academic and Research Libraries and Knowledge Management (part 1)
Institutional Repositories: policies, implementation issues, an overview of the technologies

Oslo, Norway 2005

Information Technology with University Libraries and other General Resources
Off site: University of Oslo, Blindern, Helga Engs hus, Auditorium 1
Course Management Systems and Library Information Systems: Issues of Interoperability
  1. The convergence of CMS and the Digital Library: can it happen?
    KENNETH E. DOWLIN (San Jose State University, School of Library and Information Science, San Jose, USA)
  2. There be Dragons: course management systems and library systems at SFU Library and the BC Campus
    LYNN COPELAND (Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada)
  3. Interoperability is the answer: a case study
    LOURDES FERIA (University of Colima, Colima, Mexico)
  4. Pursuing the vision: adopting and integrating OAI initiatives at Yale
    EMILY HORNING and KALEE SPRAGUE (Yale University, New Haven, USA)
UNIMARC with Information Technology
MARC/XML derivates: the state of the art
  1. An XML representation of the UNIMARC Manual: a working prototype
    JOAQUIM RAMOS DE CARVALHO (University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal)
  2. MARC XML sampler
    SALLY McCALLUM (Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA)
  3. UNIMARX/XML Slim Schema: living in a new environment
    VLADIMIR SKVORTSOV, OLGA ZHLOBINSKAYA and ALLA PASHKOVA (National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
  4. Delivering MARC/XML records from the Library of Congress catalogue using the open protocols SRW/U and Z39.50
    MIKE TAYLOR (Index Data, London, UK) and ADAM DICKMEISS (Index Data, Copenhagen, Denmark)
Information Technology
Open source software for libraries
  1. Open Source Software - definition, licensing models and organisational consequences (introduction)
    Français Deutsch
    REINHARD ALTENHÖNER (Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
  2. The coming revolution in library software
    DAVID DORMAN (Index Data, Middletown, USA)
  3. NII-IPR: National Portal to Nation-Wide University Institutional Repositories Network Utilizing Open Source Software
    NORIKO KANDO and SHIGEKI SUGITA (National Informatics Institute, Tokyo, Japan)
  4. Delivering Sizzling Services and Solid Support with Open Source Software
    Français Deutsch
    ROGER EVANS (Deichmanske Bibliotek, Oslo, Norway)

Buenos Aires, Argentina 2004

The theme of the Section's programme at the IFLA Conference in Argentina was Authentication and authorisation for cross-domain e-library services. The aim of the programme was to promote awareness and discussion about current developments and trends in authentication and authorization related to library services. Papers presented were the following:
  1. Facilitate access to e-resources with Eduserv Athens
    Faciliter l'accès aux ressources électroniques grâce a Athènes d'Eduserv
    Facilitar el acceso a recursos electrónicos con Eduserv Athens
    LYN NORRIS (Eduserv, London, UK)
  2. Shibboleth: an open-source solution to resource sharing
    Shibboleth: système open source de partage de ressources
    Shibboleth: Una solución de Código Libre para compartir recursos
    MARIANNE AFIFI (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA)
  3. Nace una estrella: la Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Technologia
    A star is born: the science and technology electronic library
    ALEJANDRA CHAVEZ FLORES (Comisión Nacional de Energia Atómica, Buenos Aires, Argentina), NORA FASANO (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina), CECILIA MABRAGANA (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas, Centro Argentino de Información Científica y Tecnológica, Buenos Aires, Argentina) and MERCEDES PORTUGAL (Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innivación Productiva, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Berlin, Germany 2003

The 69th IFLA Conference was held in Berlin from 1st -9th August 2003 on the theme of Access point library: media, information, culture. The ITS Committee organised or was involved in the following:

ITS open session on the topic of Wireless Technologies for Library Services - RFID in Use with papers from:

  1. RFID in libraries - introduction to the issues
    MATS G. LINDQUIST (Göteborg University Library, Göteborg, Sweden)
  2. Experiences in implementing RFID solutions in a multi-vendor environment
    VINOD CHACHRA (VTLS Inc., Blacksburg, USA)
  3. Integrating RFID into library systems - myths and realities
    ALASTAIR McARTHUR (Tagsys, La Penne sur Huveaune, France)
  4. RFID@Library - A Journey That Saves S$50m
    CHAN PING WAH (National Library Board, Singapore)

Joint workshop with University Libraries Section on the topic of The Scholar's Portal: an international perspective with papers from:

  1. Introductions, Overview
    LARRY WOODS (Information Technology and Branch Libraries, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City USA)
  2. The Scholars Portal Project
    MARY E. JACKSON (Association of Research Libraries, Washington DC, USA)
  3. The AARLIN Project: Integrating the research information infrastructure- a case study EARLE GOW (Latrobe University, Victoria, Australia) and
    KATE ROBERTS (AARLIN Project, Latrobe University, Victoria, Australia)
  4. Portals: What's good, what's missing, what's planned - a vendor panel
    SARA RANDALL (Endeavor) MATT GOLDNER (Fretwell/Downing) and JENNY WALKER (Ex Libris-USA)
  5. Portals: What's good, what's missing, what's needed - a user panel
    KAREN CALHOUN (Associate University Librarian, Cornell University), KRIS MALONEY (University of Arizona), JIRI PAVLIK (Charles University, Prague)

Joint workshop with Preservation and Conservation Section on the topic of Digitisation Preservation: current research, standards and best practices with papers on the following

  1. Challenges to digital preservation and building the digital library
  2. Attributes of a trusted digital repository
    MEG BELLINGER (OCLC Digital and Preservation Resources, Dublin, USA)
  3. Digital preservation activities in the UK - building the infrastructure
    MAGGIE JONES (Digital Preservation Coalition Co-ordinator, UK)
  4. Towards a global digital format registry
    STEPHEN L. ABRAMS (Harvard University, Cambridge, USA) and DAVID SEAMAN (Digital Library Federation, Washington, USA)
  1. pre- conference satellite meeting in conjunction with DCMI on Converging, complementary or other forms of describing Internet/Digital Objects: DCMI, IFLA and other communities' (museums, archives, industries, governments) standards and guidelines