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Call for Papers

New Officers Elected August, 1999

Welcome to Celebrate Women Librarians in a New Millennium

Minutes of the RTWI Meeting Held on Tuesday, 24 August, 1999

To receive this newsletter

Round Table on Women's Issues


No. 15
November/December 1999

Call for Papers

66th IFLA Council and General Conference
13-18 August, 2000, Jerusalem, Israel

"Information for Cooperation: Creating the Global Library of the Future"

RTWI's theme is "Information for Cooperation: Women Library Leaders Serving the Majority". Proposals for papers must fall within RTWI's dual objectives concerning the status of women in libraries and dealing with the information needs of and services to women. Abstracts of 200 words, in English, may be sent to the following by JANUARY 7, 2000. Final papers should not exceed a maximum of twenty minutes in length when read aloud. Abstracts may be sent to:

    Leena Siitonen (address above) or to
    Tania Gilchrist
    14 Peninsula Avenue
    Hearthridge, WA
    6027 Australia

Via email, abstracts may be sent only to Tania Gilchrist at:

New Officers Elected August, 1999

Officers elected at the meeting in Bangkok in August, 1999 include:

    Leena Siitonen (Spain)

    Tania Gilchrist (Australia)

Welcome to Celebrate Women Librarians in a New Millennium
Message from Leena Siitonen, RTWI Chair

For many of us the ending of this year marks the end of a century as well as of a millennium. Yet for many of us such is not the case. In Thailand, we learned, the year in which IFLA came to Bangkok to a wonderful, exciting conference was 2542 in accordance with the Buddhist calendar. Regardless of this and other conventional differences, our aims and goals are common to us all. We're intending, primarily, to provide a forum for discussion of issues concerning women in librarianship and to provide opportunities for research into the role of women in librarianship.

In the year 2000 it will be ten years from the first official meeting, held in Stockholm in 1990, to establish a working group on women's issues at IFLA. There were a handful of persons interested and dedicated to women's issues present. Now there are members in almost half of IFLA's member states. This development alone shows that RTWI's goals are valid, and the work done so far is held valuable by the library community as a whole.

As Chairperson, I will urge each one of you to actively participate in RTWI's programs, workshops, and seminars and send contributions to the Newsletter. It has always been gratifying to work for our goals and to see how communicating with librarians concerned about women's education, positions, careers and salaries has brought librarians closer to other professional organizations which have similar goals. Send in you proposals, articles, news, and questions immediately. And then, I hope to see you next year in Jerusalem.

Minutes of the RTWI Meeting Held on Tuesday, 24 August, 1999

The meeting was held at the end of the Program where Sarla Murgai, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA, presented a paper on "Motivation to Manage: a Comparative Study of Male and Female Library and Information Science Students in the USA, India, Singapore, and Japan". An interested and lively discussion also ensued. Isabel Stirling, (USA, Secretary/Treasurer) opened the meeting welcoming all persons present. Marta Terry (Cuba, Chair) was unable to attend the conference and had sent her apologies.

A paper by Barbara Susana Sanchez Vignau (Cuba), "Papel de la mujer bibliotecaria en las estrategias de informatizacion de le Universidad de la Habana" was forwarded at the meeting. As it was not possible to present it, it will be sent to IFLA HQ for IFLANET. A translation into English will be requested.

There followed a discussion on the RTWI Action Plan, which will be revised for the next conference.

An RTWI project, "A Snapshot of IFLA Women at Work: Survey of Women Members of IFLA Committees and Boards" is in the works. Possible new projects were suggested. Mention was made of a comparative study on male and female library administrators, as in Sarla Murgai's study, but on a wider scope, comparing subjects in IFLA member states. Thelma Tate (USA) suggested investigation on "provision of blocks of time off work (for women) to study". Kalpana Dasgupta suggested a study on "women's information needs".

There is a need to create a new brochure for RTWI to include a logo, the scope and the goals. Thelma Tate of Rutgers University (USA) promised to do that task.

There were several suggestions on topics for future programs. Since the theme for the IFLA Conference in 2000 is "Information for Cooperation: Creating the Global Library of the Future" there were several topics suggested. A tentative topic was chosen, "Women Library Leaders: Cooperating in the Future Global Environment". The program will involve a panel discussion of about ten participants who will be asked to prepare their papers for inclusion in IFLANET and the printed booklets and to participate in a panel discussion on the topic in the Program meeting. Some suggestions were made regarding speakers. A Call for Papers will be announced shortly in IFLA Express, on IFLANET, and in the RTWI Newsletter.

Cooperation with other IFLA Round Tables and Sections will be sought for programs and workshops.

There will be a second meeting of the Division VI Coordinating Board on 27 August where Leena will represent RTWI.

At the end of the meeting Leena thanks all the participants for lively discussion and, especially, Isabel Stirling for her hard work, because of which RTWI is able now to go forward.

The RTWI Executive Committee now includes:

    Mary Biblo (USA)
    Kalpana Dasgupta (India)
    Tania Gilchrist (Australia) Secretary/Treasurer
    Suzine Har Nicolescu (USA)
    Leena Siitonen (Spain) Chair
    Beth Stafford (USA) Newsletter Editor, Information Coordinator
    Isabel Stirling (USA)
    Yoko Taguchi (Japan)
    Marta Terry (Cuba)
    Rosa M. Vallejo (Philippines)

To receive this newsletter

Women in Librarianship, newsletter of the IFLA Round Table on Women's Issues (RTWI), is published semi-annually. To receive the newsletter or to change address etc., send your name, address, job type, fax and voice telephone numbers, and email address to:

    Beth Stafford,
    University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign,
    1408 W. Gregory Drive,
    Urbana, IL 61801, USA.

Please send articles, news items, and comments to the same address, or fax:

Please print clearly.


Latest Revision: December 17, 1999 Copyright © 1995-2000
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions