Title The Danish National Bibliography also comprising The Greenlandic Book List.
Web site address https://slks.dk/nationalbibliografien/
Start date New books have been recorded in The Danish National Bibliography since 1841
Period covered 1841 to date
Current size Since 1976, the national bibliography has been produced in a database. The national bibliography from 1970-1975 was later also put into the database. Number of NB records as of February 12th 2010:  1,996,087
Media covered Digital books, printed books, articles and reviews from printed national newspapers and approx. 700 printed journals, audio incl. online, video incl. online, recorded music, printed music, serials, maps.
General selection criteria * Books: > 16 pages, published in Denmark. 
* Newspapers and journals articles of > 6.000 typographical units and reviews from 7 national newspapers and approx. 700 journals.
* Video productions: by or for Danish production companies, and foreign productions with Danish soundtrack or Danish subtitles.
* Audio productions: by or for Danish production companies, and foreign productions in Danish.
* Recorded music: productions by or for Danish production companies incl. Greenland or productions related to Denmark.
* Serials: Danish newspapers, journals and other serials in the trade or aquirable through subscription.
* Maps: published in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
* Printed music: published in Denmark or related to Denmark.
Selection criteria for digital resources Audio and video: same criteria that apply for physical items. Digital texts: static texts only (e-books etc.), synamic texts (databases, link collections, homepages) excluded. Recorded music, reviews and articles excluded.
Exclusions policies applied Books < 17 pages. Books out of trade which describes internal affairs or have no national but only local interest
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control Printed music, serials and maps are the responsibility of The Royal Library. Other media are the responsibility of DBC. DBC is a limited company owned by Local Government Denmark, Danish Central Government, City of Copenhagen and Gyldendal Publishing Company. See: www.dbc.dk
Web site address of national bibliographic agency https://slks.dk/nationalbibliografien/
Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography DBC is the Danish ISBN agency. DBC encourages publishers to forward new titles to DBC for NB-cataloging. Most publishers do, because they benefit from their titles being exposed through the NB, and because DBC is also responsible for library scoped reviews made by librariens, which are important tools in the libraries’ acquisition process. DBC also cooperates with the legal deposit libraries, which lend deposited titles to DBC so that DBC can verify that all relevant titles are cataloged. DBC’s encouragement of the publishers to forward new titles in stead of waiting for deposited items is a question of timeliness. The NB-records are also being used by all Danish public libraries, thus there is an urgency for cataloging new titles immediately. DBC combines the NB-cataloging with cataloging aimed at libraries in a single proces as opposed to the normal scenario in other countries, where the National Library produces the NB and library suppliers produce records for libraries.
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies Nowadays, The Danish National Bibliography exists only in the form of database records. The records are coded according to the part of the NB, to which they adhere:
Danish National Bibliography. Books
Danish National Bibliography. Articles
Danish National Bibliography. Reviews
Danish National Bibliography. Audio
Danish National Bibliography. Video
Danish National Bibliography. Music recordings 
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography Data is created in-house.
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements DBC collaborates with the Danish legal deposit institutions, The Royal Library and The State and University Library and legal deposits are forwarded to DBC for selection and cataloging to the NB. After cataloging, the items are returned to the legal deposit institutions.
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme No CIP programme.
Media & format options Downloads in ISO2709 and MARCExchange, danMARC2 and MARC21.
Access options to national bibliographic metadata Web catalogue, Z39.50, SOAP/XML, FTP
Metadata enhancements offered via online services Book jackets
“Others, that have borrowed this title, have also borrowed…” based on circulation transaction feeds from libraries.
Web 2.0 services offered User reviews
User ratings
Frequency of service updates Online systems are updated daily. FTP-files are offered weekly
Target audiences for services Public/academic/specialist/school libraries
Book trade
The public in general via the public union catalog library.dk http://bibliotek.dk 
Uses made of  services offered Union catalog functionalities including material selection, record downloads, copy cataloging, ILL, SDI, ILS-functionalities
Legal deposit collections
Book trade info system.
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services DBC creates the NB on a contract with the state, which holds the rights. NB metadata are not priced, but handling costs related to delivery of records in files are.
Availability of metadata for re-use No restrictions apply to NB data.
Metadata formats danMARC2
Cataloguing code National cataloguing code based on AACR2
Levels of description offered ISBD. With a few exceptions we fulfil the requirements stated in chapter 7 (Basic requirements for national bibliographic records) in:Functional requirements for bibliographic records /  IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records ; approved by the Standing Committee of the IFLA Section on Cataloguing. München : Saur, 1998. (UBCIM publications. New series ; vol 19)
Subject standards Danish classification schema: DK5.
Subject headings schema defined by DBC.
Name authority standards Authority standards are stated by the Danish calaloguing code as follows:
Danish persons and corporations:
1)The Danish National Bibliography
2) Dansk biografisk leksikon
3) Kraks blå bog
The national bibliography of the country of the foreigner. 
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes