Title Hrvatska
nacionalna bibliografija

national bibliography
Web site address http://www.nsk.hr/niz-a-knjige/
Start date
Began 1990.
Before year 1990 National and University Library was the national library within the state of former Yugoslavia and has obligation to collect and publish Bibliography of books printed in Croatia (1978-1984), it continues two earlier editions of national bibliography (1948-1956 and 1941-1944).
Period covered From 1990 to date.
Current size Over 110 000 records.
Media covered Printed books, maps, art maps, printed music,
geographic maps, atlas, tourist guides and selection from ephemera
General selection criteria
for selection (just one is enough to be included in bibliography):

1. Writer
is Croat

2. Book is
written in Croatian

Publisher is from Croatia

4. Book is
printed in Croatia

Subject is about Croatia/Croats (selective condition)

Selection criteria for digital resources Same as printed.
Exclusions policies applied Ephemera, computer programs, video production.
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control National library (as a part of National and University
Library – Zagreb, Croatia)
Web site address of national bibliographic agency http://www.nsk.hr/niz-a-knjige/
Co-operative structures or relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography We have legal deposit law wich assure coverage
of production, ISBN and ISSN are subdivisions of National bibliography division
and we constantly develop cooperation with publishers.
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies
We have: National
bibliography Series A – books, NB Series B – articles in journal and proceedings,
NB Series C – serial publication and NB Retrospective Series (covering books
till 1990).

Official publications are bibliographically
covered by the Government of Croatia (Croatian Information Documentation
Federal Agency)
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography Data is created in-house.
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements We have Legal deposit law (Zakon o obveznom
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme
CIP is
subdivision of National bibliography division.

records are bases for bibliographic records when publication arrives to National and University Library.
Media & format options Printed catalogue, HTML
Access options to national bibliographic metadata Web catalogue, Z39.50
Metadata enhancements offered via online services Not yet (we are in process of gaining new OPAC
that will provide these options)
Web 2.0 services offered Not yet (see above)
Frequency of service updates monthly
Target audiences for services all
Uses made of services offered Notification of publication, preserving
information about cultural heritage, purpose of acquisition, copy cataloguing
for other members of ILS.
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Free bases
Availability of metadata for re-use It is free to use for non-commercial purpose and
with obligation not to change data about cataloguing source.
Metadata formats MARC21
Cataloguing code ppiak (National cataloguing rules by Eva Verona)
Levels of description offered ISBD
Subject standards NSKps
Name authority standards ppiak
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes
Date information submitted 26/04/2012
Information supplied by Lobel Machala, Head of Croatian National Bibliography,
Series A – books