The M&M Section will soon be meeting in Moscow, Russian Federation.

 These mid-year meetings strengthen the work of the group and also facilitate a face to face meeting of the International Marketing Award jury one day prior to the mid-year meeting. Liudmila N. Zaytseva, General Planning and Reporting Department’s Chief and Irina Gayshun from the Foreign LIS and International Relations Department, Russian State Library developed a wonderful cultural program.

 On February 28, Christie Koontz will also organise an international Workshop “Marketing your Library : A customer centered Approach”, with more then 50 specialists from Russian State Library, Moscow and Moscow region libraries.

On the same day there it will take place  an  international Round Table  «World trends of library management in the Russian context». It will be led by Management& Marketing IFLA and RLA Sections Chairs Perry Moore and Vladimir Gnezdilov. The discussion will be attended by members of  Standing Committees IFLA and RLA Sections and representatives of the Russian State Library and others.

Both events will  live-streamed at the Russian Association of Electronic Libraries web-site for audience more than 700 remote users.

/ Great program !