IFLA’s governance structure is the result of our Governance Review (2019-2021), which focused on making IFLA a more inclusive, effective, and transparent organisation for its Members.

General Assembly

IFLA’s General Assembly is the highest governance level of the Federation. It has the following key functions: to determine the purposes and values of the Federation; to amend the Statutes; to determine the conditions of membership; and to receive and approve the annual financial report and accounts. It meets once a year.

Governing Board

The Governing Board is responsible for the management of the Federation. It is responsible for governance, financial and professional matters, ensuring sustainability and developing and overseeing the strategic direction of the Federation. It works in accordance with the core values of the Federation.

Councils, Divisions & Units

The Professional Council ensures the coordination of the work of the units within the Federation responsible for professional activities, policies and programmes. It reports to and advises the Governing Board on issues relating to its remit and activities.

The Regional Council ensures coordination of the work of the units responsible, at the regional level, for strengthening advocacy and supporting the visibility, coherence and effectiveness of the Federation’s work. It also reports to and advises the Governing Board on issues relating to its remit and activities.
