October 2012 IFLA Journal

Volume 38, No.4 (December 2012)



A taste of Helsinki
Stephen Parker 2



The IFLA–UNESCO partnership 1947–2012
Peter Johan Lor 269

Information-seeking by print media journalists in Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Md Arman Hossain and Md. Shariful Islam 283

Digital preservation of cultural heritage resources and manuscripts: An Indian government initiative
Anil Singh 289

Local studies centers: Transforming history, culture and heritage in the Philippines
Martin Julius V. Perez and Mariel R. Templanza 297

Demographics of the library and information profession in Kuwait
Taghreed Alqudsi-ghabra and Nujoud Al-Muomen 310

Presidential papers

Libraries – A Force For Change: Inspiring . . . Surprising . . . Empowering
Ingrid Parent 322

Defending cultural heritage – defending humanity
Helena Rata 329

News 332

Abstracts 338


Each issue covers news of current IFLA activities and articles, selected to reflect the variety of the international information profession, ranging from freedom of information, preservation, services to the visually impaired and intellectual property.

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