Goals and objectives

The Principles of Engagement advise IFLA and its members on how to monitor areas at risk, advocate for and raise awareness about conflict and disaster prevention. In the event of a crisis, conflict or disaster, the Principles of Engagement shall guide activities in recovery situations and advise IFLA and its members if and how to engage in a particular recovery situation within IFLA’s strategic directions.


The IFLA Governing Board set up a Working Group in 2012 to draft Principles of Engagement for IFLA and its members in library-related activities in times of crisis, conflict or disaster.

The mandate is taken from the Key Initiatives 2011-2012: Key Initiative 4: Cultural Heritage Disaster Reconstruction Programme – Culture is a basic need, a community thrives through its cultural heritage, it dies without it.

In April 2012, the IFLA Governing Board endorsed the Principles of Engagement.