Helpful tips, starting points, and resources for your preservation and conservation needs. 

IFLA’s sixteen Preservation and Conservation (PAC) Centres are hosted by libraries around the globe. These Centres hold a wide range of knowledge on regional and international issues in cultural heritage conservation and preservation.

We are bringing the expertise of the PAC Centres to you, helping to build capacity and share knowledge of good practice.

Introducing: Preservation and Conservation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the PAC FAQs?

We’ve asked our PAC Centres to identify key topics in the field of preservation and conservation – topics on which they often receive questions. Each question is answered with an explanation, best practice advice, and steps you can take to tackle preservation and conservation issues. 

Is this tool for me? 
  • Do you have a questions about a specific topic in the field of preservation and conservation?
  • Are you trying to expand your general knowledge of preservation and conservation practices? 

This is a good place to start! 

How do I use it? 

You can explore the PAC FAQs by topic, or by individual PAC Centre.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to: for more information. 

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Explore PAC Frequently Asked Questions 

Download the Complete FAQs

The IFLA Preservation and Conservation FAQs [PDF]