The Nazarbayev University Library, in collaboration with IFLA Management of Library Associations and with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Association of Higher Education Libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, cordially invites library and information professionals, researchers, and practitioners, as well as students currently pursuing or who have recently graduated from a Library and Information Science program to the 13th Eurasian Academic Libraries Conference. Representatives from medical, special and public libraries are also welcome to attend.

This year’s EALC main theme is Connect, Collaborate, Create: Advancing Library Associations and Partnerships to Future-proof our Profession.

Those who register to attend virtually will receive a link to the zoom of the conference later. 


Conference Opening Keynote on May 29:

Sherri Aldis, Director, UN Regional Information Centre for Western Europe

Title: Information Integrity for a Better World: libraries collaborating with the United Nations

Keynote on May 31:

Emily Drabinski, ALA President

Title: Building Connections, Making Change: The Power of Association

MLAS programing for Kazakhstan

Themes for MLAS:  Library advocacy, Financial sustainability, Membership Retention, Strategic Planning, Information Integrity

MLAS Sessions

Themes: Library advocacy, Financial sustainability, Membership Retention, Strategic Planning

May 29, 2024

3-5pm Kazakhstan / 12 noon Amsterdam/ Egypt / 6am New York / Brasil 7am / Sri Lanka 3:30pm/ Cote d’Ivoire 10am check your time here.

Building Strong Library Associations: powering libraries and institutions

  1. Stephen Wyber (Netherlands), IFLA, Director External Affairs. Title: Information Integrity.
  1. Loy Jyoon Chin (Malaysia), IFLA MLAS Secretary. Past Vice President of the Librarians Association of Malaysia. Title: Librarians Association of Malaysia: Financial Sustainability
  2. Emily Drabinski (USA), ALA President. Title: Financial Sustainability: best practices and innovations from ALA
  3. Sara Martinez (USA), REFORMA, Chair of Organizational Development and New Chapters Committee. Title: Strategic Planning
  4. Ghulzan, President of the Academic Library Association in Kazakhstan. Title: Main activities of the Association of Academic Libraries of Kazakhstan: problems, results and prospects

May 30, 2024 

3-5pm Kazakhstan / 12 noon Amsterdam/ Egypt / 6am New York / Brasil 7am / Sri Lanka 3:30pm/ Cote d’Ivoire 10am check your time here.

Building Strong Library Associations: powering libraries and institutions

  1. Dijana Machala (Croatia), IFLA MLAS Member. Past President of the Croatian Library Association. Leader, MLAS Advocacy Impact Evaluation Project. Theme: MLAS Advocacy Impact Evaluation Project
  2. Irina Trushina (Russia), IFLA MLAS Member. Executive Director of the Russian Library Association. Ttitle: The Role of Library Association in Social and Normative Regulation of Librarianship in Russia
  3. Julia Demasi (Uruguay), IFLA MLAS Member. President of the Board of the National Association of Graduate Librarians from Uruguay. Title: Membership Retention
  4. Loida Garcia-Febo (USA/PR), MLAS Chair. IFLA Governing Board Member. Past President of the ALA. Title: Creative and Systematic strategies for membership retention for associations, organizations and institutions
  5. Juha Manninen (Finland), Secretary General of the Finnish Library Association. Title: Finnish Library Association: Strategy and its formulation

May 31, 2024

Building Strong Library Associations: powering libraries and institutions

MLAS Business Meeting

3-5pm Kazakhstan / 12noon Amsterdam/ Egypt / 6am New York / Brasil 7am / Sri Lanka 3:30pm/ Cote d’Ivoire 10am check your time here.

Link to join and agenda will be sent by the MLAS Secretary.