Place des Nations Geneva, WIPO on the right

The 36th session of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) will focus on defining action plans on copyright provisions for libraries. With these, we hope to see the organisation move in the direction of concrete steps that will make a real difference for our institutions. As the organisation that gave the world the Marrakesh Treaty, WIPO is well placed to drive change that delivers sustainable development.


IFLA engages strongly in the work of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in recent years in order to make the case for copyright regimes that work for libraries. The right rules – notably exceptions and limitations to copyright – have a decisive impact on the ability of libraries and other cultural heritage to carry out their missions.


The Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) is both the primary forum for discussing copyright laws globally, and a great opportunity to work with national policy makers.


At its 36th session, the Committee will discuss draft action plans for libraries, archives, museums and education. These offer a promising means of advancing discussions, and drawing on a wider range of expertise and experience, notably through regional meetings which will allow more librarians on the ground to share their experience.


IFLA will continue to underline the need to avoid creating unnecessary distinctions between libraries, archives and museums, given strong convergence in the work of the three types of institution. It will also urge Member States not to replicate work that has already taken place, but rather focus on activities that add value, and to accelerate progress accordingly.  


The IFLA delegation, led by Winston Tabb, will also use the opportunity to engage with Member State representatives to exchange views on ongoing national copyright reforms.


You can follow our engagement on Twitter (also here) and Facebook. You can also watch the meeting live.

See also IFLA's statements: