As information becomes more and more central to the way we work, live and communicate, the importance of the ability to find, understand and use it grows. In parallel, concerns around fake news underline the risks to democracy and informed decision-making from misinformation.

Media and information literacy offers an answer to both, providing people with the skills to make the most out of the information around them. Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week is a time to celebrate this potential, and the organisations – and in particular libraries – that make this happen.  

This year's Global MIL Week Feature Conference takes place in Kaunas, Lithuania. IFLA will moderate a panel on Media and Infomration Literacy throughout life, as well as participating in an event with local librarians. 

Even if you cannot come to the conference, you can still take part! You can register your events – big or small – on the UNESCO website, and see IFLA's Get Into GAPMIL guide for ideas on what you can do.