Climate disruption, pollution and the depletion of natural resources threaten humanity and the planet as a whole. Progress conceived as exponential growth, struggle against nature and extirpation of its wealth shows more and more its limits and pushes societies into an unsustainable flight and unequal development between nations and a social inequality leading to exclusion and marginalization.

As a result, ecological commitment and sustainable development become a necessity on which our survival depends. This should take, among other things, the form of education in the principles of ecology, respect for the environment and the commons, the fight against pollution, the preservation of non-renewable resources, an infrastructure design based on new energies and energy savings with the perspective of a fair redistribution of wealth.

How does this education and struggle translate into the world of cultural practices and the equipment that carries them? More specifically, how will libraries negotiate the ecological shift by preserving or improving services and engaging audiences in environmental requirements?

In order to address some of these concerns, the Tunisian Library Association (La Fédération des bibliothèques universitaires et des services de Documentation et d’Information Spécialisés – FEBUS) will be holding an international colloquium on Ecology, education and culture: the library as a model ('Ecology, education and culture : the library as a model') from 21-23 June in Tunis, Tunisia.

IFLA Governing Board member, Tonia Arahova will give a presentation titled "A Green Library, A Green Museum, A Green Archive: Preserving Collections in Sustainable Ways" and discuss IFLA's Global Vision.

Source/More information: (in French)