Dear colleagues

The IFLA Governing Board seeks nominations for new members of the IFLA BCM Review Group by Friday, 15 February 2019. The term served by new members will be from August 2019 to August 2023. Please share this message with others who might be interested to ensure as wide a call as possible.

The IFLA BCM Review Group provides ongoing support for the maintenance and development of the IFLA bibliographic conceptual models.

The terms of reference are:

  • Maintain and revise IFLA's bibliographic conceptual models on an ongoing basis;
  • Develop and make available guidelines and interpretative documents to assist those applying the models;
  • Promote the models and encourage their use in all appropriate information organising communities;
  • Maintain links with relevant groups both within IFLA and in other communities, including formal relationships such as named liaisons.

Read more about the responsibilities of the Review Group.

Who is eligible to be nominated?

The IFLA Governing Board will be appointing new members who will be selected mainly on the basis of their expertise. They will also seek to have geographical representation and a mix of skills among the Review Group members according to the requirements of the Group. The Governing Board will base its selection of members on evidence presented as to the nominee’s:

  • expertise in areas relevant to conceptual modelling of bibliographic data
  • demonstrated knowledge of or experience working with the IFLA family of bibliographic conceptual models
  • interest in the development and revision of IFLA’s bibliographic conceptual models and in the promotion of these models
  • ability and willingness to contribute regularly and actively to the work of the Review Group both during meetings and virtually, during the year, between meetings.

Nominees must also have:

  • a reasonable expectation of being able to attend (without cost to IFLA) the business and professional meetings of the Review Group. The meetings are usually held during the IFLA World Library and Information Congress which for the terms of the nominee will be in:

    • Athens, Greece, August 2019;
    • Auckland, New Zealand, August 2020;
    • Location not yet known, August 2021;
    • Location not yet known, August 2022;
    • Location not yet known, August 2023.
  • an existing affiliation to IFLA through membership of an IFLA Professional Unit Standing Committee, or IFLA Membership affiliation through being an employee of an Association or Institutional Member, or a member of an Association Member, or a Personal Affiliate;
  • a working knowledge of at least one of the working languages of IFLA (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish). Since the business meetings of IFLA are generally conducted in English, reasonable fluency in this language is necessary to be able to fully participate as a member of an IFLA Review Group.

Members are appointed initially for four years. The Chair will be elected by the newly formed committee (consisting of the new and continuing members).

How to nominate someone

Please send nominations for this Review Group by 15 February 2019 using the nominee consent form

Candidates may nominate themselves. If you are nominating another person, please ensure you have their consent and signature on the nomination form.

Selection of new members

The details of nominees may be shared with the IFLA Professional Committee, the IFLA Committee on Standards, current Review Group Chairs, and the IFLA Governing Board members.

Persons selected for the Review Group will be informed in April 2019. This timing will enable them to take advantage of the early registration discount for the IFLA World Library and Information Congress where the first meeting of the new Review Group members will take place.

Further questions?

If you have further questions about the Review Group and its responsibilities, please contact the current Chair of the Review Group or the IFLA Nominations Coordinator, Lidia Putziger.

I look forward to receiving your nominations by 15 February 2019.

Best regards,

Gerald Leitner
Secretary General