Papers Presented at 2018 IFLA International News Media Conference

18-20 April 2018, University of Florida George A. Smathers Library, Gainesville, Florida, USA

Preserving, Digitizing, and Sustaining The Weekly Challenger, a Local African-American Newspaper

Catherine Cardwell & Alexandra Curran

Preserving the full historic record in holistic newspaper digital preservation: From the backend to the front

Virginia Dressler

Digital Migrations: A Case of Turn-of-the-Century Chicago-Immigrant Newspapers


William Schlaack and Anna Oates

A Symbiotic Relationship for Reducing Risk to Valuable Content: How a Library Vendor Partners with News Publishers to Preserve Critical Media for Libraries and Researchers Worldwide

Jennifer Trammel

A Collaborative US-Mexican Partnership to Digitize Endangered Mexican Jewish Periodicals

Margarita Vargas-Betancourt & Rebecca J.W. Jefferson

Old News is Good News: moving towards new approaches to newspaper acquisition and preservation at Library and Archives Canada

Annie Wolfe