General Assembly

Since IFLA is run by and for its members, its structure is based on democratic principles. The highest forum within the Federation is the General Assembly of Members, the supreme governing body consisting of delegates of members.

IFLA Association and Institutional members, as well as Honorary Fellows, have voting rights in the Assembly and by postal ballot on all matters.

President-elect and Governing Board 

All IFLA members, regardless of category, may nominate candidates for the posts of IFLA President-elect and for the Governing Board. Only IFLA Association and Institutional members, as well as Honorary Fellows may elect for the posts of President-elect and for the Governing Board.

Standing Committees

All IFLA members and affiliates are entitled to participate in the programmes of the professional groups specialising in various areas of library activity and information service.

All IFLA members, regardless of category, may nominate and elect members of the Section Standing Committees and thus contribute to those components of IFLA’s structure which govern the professional activities. You must be registered as a member of the Section for which you want to put forward a nomination and vote.