The Statistics collate information from the member libraries including population, number of libraries and staff, budgets, acquisitions, fees, collections and materials, membership, visitors, loans, opening hours, enquiries, internet provision and usage, multicultural activities and outreach services. The Statistics also include website addresses of Metropolitan Libraries Section member libraries.

Prior to 2004, the statistics were compiled by Hannover Public LibraryToronto Public Library assumed responsibility for the compilation of data referring to the years 2004-2010, Helsinki City Library for the year 2011 and Auckland Libraries for the year 2012.



Please note: tables of data are at slides 56-57 (links below); ranking is at slide 56 (link above); links at the slides 41-48 are momentarily broken and will be fixed as soon as possible


How We Compare


Year-to-year Comparison



  • Library services [159 Kb]: Collection per Capita; Population; Collections; Weekly Hours per Capita
  • Library usage [195 Kb]: All Visits per Capita; Circulation per Capita; Circulation; Registered Users as a % of Pop.; Visits per Capita; Visits
  • Use of technology [192 Kb]: Electronic Collections per Capita; Internet Sessions per Capita; Internet Sessions; Virtual Visits per Capita; Virtual Visits
  • Expenditures [546 Kb]: Cost per Use; Expenditures per Capita



Previous years