Under the theme ‘Reading Matters: Embracing the Future’, this edition of the biennial International Publishers’ Congress will focus on a key area of common interest for publishers and libraries. IFLA President-elect Vicki McDonald will represent IFLA, underlining the importance of cooperation.

There are important areas of shared interest for anyone involved in the book and information sector, not least ensuring that everyone has the skills needed to read, a curiosity to find out more about the world, an understanding of the value of access to quality information, and a respect for intellectual freedom.

These bring libraries together with publishers, authors, booksellers and others, and represent a solid basis for cooperation, without denying that there are also areas where improvement is needed for libraries to be able to fulfil their mission of providing equitable access to information.

The agenda of the 33rd International Publishers Congress, being held in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 11-12 November, offers plenty of opportunities to understand better these areas of common interest, and explore how we can build on these, while also being clear about what libraries themselves require.

In particular, sessions focused on promoting literacy and reading, children’s books, and promoting intellectual freedom will be particularly interesting in this respect.

IFLA President-elect Vicki McDonald will be present, representing libraries, and will engage in discussions, as well as holding meetings with the National Library of Indonesia.