Peer-to-peer dialog webinar








The IFLA Building Strong Library and Information Science Education Working Group (BSLISE) announces the webinar “Library and Information Science Student Voices: Global Peer-to-Peer Dialogue”. With this webinar BSLISE hopes to connect library and information science (LIS) students all over the world to communicate and discuss the present and future of the LIS field. The peer-to-peer exchange among LIS students creates a platform to highlight experiences, engage ideas and express opinions about LIS education and the profession – valuable insights for an evolving field and for their own professional future.

Join us to listen to future librarians from Canada, Indonesia and the Philippines and to know what they think about the library field and profession.

When: March 14, 2023, 14.00-15.30 CET

View the past webinars posted here.

BSLISE Communication team members: Albina Krymskaya, Barbara Marson

All events are held online and are open to everyone (no registration fees).