LTR Post Conference Satellite Meeting
This year Library Theory and Research Section together with the Education and Training Section and Information Technology Section and collaborating with Vatican Library School and ASIS&T SIG Education will be holding its Satellite meeting in Rome, 90 years after IFLA's first conference in 1929, soon after the Athens WLIC. We are honoured to be hosted by the Vatican Library.
The difficulty of LIS education in this time of rapid change is to anticipate future education needs and the IFLA Global Vision Project is a perfect forum where LIS practitioners and educators can meet internationally and globally to discuss and coordinate their efforts in transforming LIS education for digital inclusion, social inclusion and lifelong learning.
On Friday 30 August we will discuss traditional and emergent role in LIS profession and on diversity of skills in the Open Session “Competencies, service diversity and learning for future LIS education”. On Saturday 31 conversation will focus on teaching and learning research methods in LIS curriculum
There will be the organization of visits to libraries in Rome and opportunities for sightseeing in "the Eternal City".
See: Satellite Meeting website
Participation is open but registration is mandatory before 17 August and limited to 70 participants.