As a founding member of the Culture 2030 Goal campaign, IFLA encourages the global library field to engage with a new survey looking to make a first key step towards defining what an explicit goal for culture in the post-2030 development framework could look like. You have until 21 June to respond.

The Culture 2030 Goal campaign was born out of the understanding that for culture, and the actors and institutions working for it, to be properly integrated into development frameworks, it is essential that it be properly recognised as a goal in its own right.

The current situation – with a few scattered references and broad references – unfortunately makes it appear that culture is not a priority at the same level as the seventeen issues highlighted as Sustainable Development Goals, as already highlighted in the campaign’s reports on culture in Voluntary National and Local Reviews.

This has costs, not just to the culture sector, but to the effectiveness of the 2030 Agenda as a whole.

When culture and actors are not included in broader policy planning, they cannot so easily bring their insights and experiences to the table in order to ensure that policies are adapted to the way that citizens think and act.

Their potential to inform, to mobilise and to catalyse change is overlooked, depriving governments of a key means of achieving change on the ground.

Their contribution to building social cohesion, creativity and wellbeing, as well as their economic and employment potential, is not fully realised.

This is why IFLA, alongside its partners in the Culture 2030 Goal campaign, are engaged in efforts not only to build the profile and place of culture in efforts to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals today, but to make the case for an explicit culture goal post-2030.

With a view to the Mondiacult conference in September, the campaign is now moving up a gear, and looking to engage with stakeholders in the development and culture fields to start reflecting on what such a goal could look like.

We’re interested in knowing, from you, what you think could or should feature in such a goal. The survey therefore asks this, as well as getting background information about your work around culture and the SDGs now, and your assessment of the current status of culture in the 2030 Agenda.

The survey is available in English, French and Spanish, and is open until 21 June.

We’re looking forward to your ideas and insights!