Call for WILSIG Newsletter Contributions
05 August 2024
You are invited to contribute to Newsletter of the IFLA Women, Information and Libraries Special Interest Group by:
- Sharing stories on notable women librarians (historical or contemporary) who have made significant contributions to the field of librarianship;
- Sharing information on special services tailored for women in your library or country;
- Presenting publications or collections promoting gender equality in your library’s holdings;
- Sharing any other interesting story/information related to relationship between women and libraries.
Your contributions should be in Word format, written in English, from 300 to 500 words, including images in JPEG format (if possible), as well as links to reliable e-sources. Please include the names of the authors and their affiliated institutions or organizations.
By submitting a contribution to the newsletter, you agree to make it publicly available in WILSIG Newsletter (free of copyright issues) and allow the editor to edit the contribution for publication.
Please send your contributions to the Chair of the WILSIG working group for Newsletter preparation, Tu Shumin ([email protected]) or to the Group member, Sadaf Rafiq ([email protected]) by end of August (Subject: WILSIG Newsletter Submission).
We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions!