I am pleased to announce that, following the recent elections, the IFLA Governing Board 2023-2025, to be led by incoming President Vicki McDonald, will have the following members:


Leslie Weir (Canada)


Jaap Naber (Netherlands)

Governing Board Member at Large:

  1. Dilara Begum (Bangladesh)
  2. Kirsten Boelt (Denmark)
  3. Stuart Hamilton (Ireland)
  4. Nthabiseng Kotsokoane (South Africa)
  5. Silvia Stasselova (Slovakia)

Ex-officio members of the Board:

Chair of the Regional Council: Alejandro Santa (Argentina)

Chair of the Professional Council: Te Paea Paringatai (New Zealand)

Chair of the Management of Library Associations Section: To be elected by August.

The Governing Board 2023-2025 will take office on 25 August 2023.

Find out the full results: IFLA Elections 2023 results.

My congratulations to those elected, and to all candidates for demonstrating a strong commitment to international librarianship, our Federation and a willingness to help create the future of our field.

Helen Mandl
Acting Secretary General