The Transforming Digital Scholarship Model – From Service Provider to Interdisciplinary Partner
01 July 2018
IFLA’s Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group (SIG), Knowledge Management Section, invites you to join us for a lively session as we explore the transforming worldview of Digital Humanities and Digital Scholarship.
At this year’s IFLA WLIC in Kuala Lumpur, the DH/DS SIG will host a program titled “The Transforming Digital Scholarship Model – From Service Provider to Interdisciplinary Partner.” The 2-hour program will feature lightning talks with speakers from five continents (Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America). It will capture emerging global development trends of DH/DS practices in library and information services settings, with particular attention given to new trends that elevate a library-based DH/DS center from a service unit to be recognized as an academic and research unit in a higher education environment.
This session will be interactive, providing an excellent opportunity for active participation from the audience in a moderated discussion with the five global panelists.