Title The Swedish National Bibliography
Web site address https://www.kb.se/om-oss/det-har-gor-vi/nationalbibliografin.html
Start date Began 1976
Period covered For monographs 1976 to date, for music prints and maps from 1986, for magazines from 1900 to date.
Current size 743 016 (5 August 2019)
Media covered Printed books, periodicals, music scores and maps. Some electronic books and periodicals are covered as well.
General selection criteria Includes the Swedish national output. Swedish material published around the world is generally included in the SUECANA-database.
Selection criteria for digital resources

Digital resources are not included in the general selection criteria for the Swedish National Bibliography (1 December 2017).

Exclusions policies applied Ephemera, computer games, audio-visual material, most electronic resources, newspapers and grey literature are excluded.
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control Single national library.
Web site address of national bibliographic agency https://www.kb.se/in-english.html
Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography Cooperation with Bokinfo, http://www.bokinfo.se, Sweden’s largest database for the book-trade.
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies Audio-visual material is recorded in Svensk mediedatabas, http://smdb.kb.se/ 
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography Data is created in-house, but also derived from records of other libraries. The National Bibliography is a part of the Swedish National Union Catalogue – Libris.
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements The material included is received by the National Library under national deposit arrangements. We also receive a large amount of commercially available books before publication through an arrangement with Bokinfo (http://www.bokinfo.se), mentioned above.
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme No CIP programme exists.
Media & format options

The Swedish National Bibliography is accessible in Libris, http://libris.kb.se, the Swedish Union Catalogue.

Access options to national bibliographic metadata Web catalogue, Z39.50, SRU, unAPI, Xsearch (supporting MARC-XML, Dublin Core, Json, RIS, MODS and RDF), OpenURL COinS, OAI-PMH harvesting, RSS feed.
Metadata enhancements offered via online services  

Yes. Book jackets, table of contents, extended search (for example Google Book Search, Google Scholar, LibraryThing)

Web 2.0 services offered No
Frequency of service updates Daily
Target audiences for services

Researchers, academic and public libraries, members of the public, journalists, publishers, literary agents, etc.

Uses made of  services offered Acqusition/selection, derived cataloguing, statistical enquiries about national output.
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services Free basis.
Availability of metadata for re-use No restrictions.
Metadata formats

MARC 21, MARC-XML, Dublin Core, Json, RIS, MODS and RDF

Cataloguing code RDA
Levels of description offered ISBD
Subject standards DDC and Swedish Subject Headings (SAO).
Name authority standards NACO
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes
Date information submitted 2019-08-05
Information supplied by

Ylva Sommerland