Title  The Lithuanian National Bibliography
Web site address 

National Bibliographic Data Bank (NBDB): https://www.lnb.lt/atradimai/katalogai/nacionalines-bibliografijos-duomenu-bankas


Start date  Began 1922
Period covered  1547 to date – books
1823 to date – serials
Current size 

Over 3 683 550 records in the National Bibliographic Data Bank (NBDB) (January, 2020)

Media covered 

Books, serials, dissertations, printed music, maps, graphics, small prints, sound and video/audio records, offline electronic resources, publications in Braille, standards and normative documents, articles in serials

General selection criteria  

Documents in various languages published in Lithuania or abroad in Lithuanian language, or related to Lithuania in terms of author and language, regardless of their place of publication

Selection criteria for digital resources  Same as printed
Exclusions policies applied Grey literature, ephemera, booklets, announcements, patents, computer games, etc.
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control National Bibliographic Control Unit of the Information Sciences Department at Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania
Web site address of national bibliographic agency


Co-operative structures or  relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography  

Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania (NLL) act as the Lithuanian ISSN, ISBN and ISMN agency and constantly is developing cooperation with publishers.

Retrospective national bibliography is compiled in cooperation with Vilnius University Library, the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Kaunas County Public Library, other regional libraries, archives, museums.

Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies  

The National Bibliography Data Bank contains current and retrospective national bibliography data.

Current national bibliography:


Forthcoming documents;

Information on published documents in Lithuania, received at the National Library.


“Bibliographical News. Books”

“Bibliographical News. Serials”

“Bibliographical News. Sound Recordings, Videorecordings and Electronic Resources”

“Bibliographical News. Doctoral dissertations”

Retrospective national bibliography:

Series A. Books in Lithuanian, 1547–1940 (including small prints, maps, printed music, graphics);

Series B. Lithuanian Serials, 1823–1940;

Series C. Publications from Lithuanian Serials, 1832–1919;

Lithuanian Hebrew Books, 1759–1940;

Polish Books published in Lithuania in 16–18th centuries;

Latin Books published in Lithuania in 16–17th centuries.

Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography 

Bibliographic records to produce current bibliography are created in-house, when documents received by legal deposit copy at the National Library.

Bibliographic records to produce retrospective national bibliography are created additionally using other sources of outside institutions (libraries, museums, archives)

Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements 

The Lithuanian National Bibliography includes the material provided under the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania “On the Substitution of the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 22 November 1996 No. 1389 ‘On the Order of Delivery of Legal Deposit Copies of Publications and Other Documents to Libraries'” of 6 December 2017 No. 999

Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme  

NLL creates CIP records. This is the primary bibliographic data about the forthcoming document. After receiving of the document the national level bibliographic record is created

Form of publication of the National Bibliography

Current bibliography (PDF):


Bibliographic information about forthcoming documents:


Bibliographic information on published documents in Lithuania, received by legal deposit copy at the National Library:


Annual national bibliographic indexes:

“Bibliographical News. Books”

“Bibliographical News. Serials”

“Bibliographical News. Sound Recordings, Videorecordings and Electronic Resources”

“Bibliographical News. Doctoral dissertations”


Online list of the printed Lithuanian National Bibliographic indexes: https://www.lnb.lt/atradimai/leidiniai/nacionalines-bibliografijos-leidiniai

Annually publishing statistics includes data on publishing output in Lithuania:


Access options to national bibliographic metadata

National Bibliography as open data


Online access options

Server settings for getting access to or downloading the metadata:

server’s name: z39.libis.lt; port: 212

www-opac access to National Bibliographic Data Bank:


Formats & media available for delivery of record sets from the national bibliography

Online download list in RTF

Metadata enhancements offered via online services

Metadata have links to digital objects created under the Strategy for Digitization of the Lithuanian Cultural Heritage. Part of digital objects have full text.

The data bank of digital cultural heritagehttp://www.epaveldas.lt/home

Web 2.0 services offered None offered
Frequency of service updates 

Online Data Bank – daily

Target audiences for services

Academic/public libraries, bibliographers, bibliophiles, booksellers, book trade, publishers, students, researchers, scientists, general audience

Uses made of  services offered

Acquisition/selection, advance notification of publications, source for copy-cataloguing, retrospective conversion, regional, personal and thematic bibliographies, understanding national publishing output

Pricing policy for national bibliographic services

Free of charge, printed national bibliography indexes are paid

Under what conditions may the metadata be re-used for other products?

Free to use for non-commercial purpose and with obligation not to change data about cataloguing source

Metadata formats UNIMARC
Cataloguing rules or code  ISBD
Levels of description offered

National bibliographic level

Subject standards: Classification  UDC (notation translated into Lithuanian)
Subject standards: Subject heading scheme or thesaurus  LCSH (version developed on the basis Library of Congress Subject Headings)
Name authority standards or name authority file UNIMARC/A
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? Yes
Date information submitted 01.09.2020
Information supplied by

Nijolė Bliūdžiuvienė, Director of Information Sciences Department