Title Bermuda National Bibliography
Web site address http://www.bnl.bm/colmgt/colmgt-bermudiana/
Start date 1984
Period covered 1983 to date
Current size Not in a database
Media covered Printed books and serials, audio, video.
General selection criteria Anything added to the Library's Bermudiana Collection which includes everything published in Bermuda as well as items published overseas by Bermuda authors or with significant Bermuda content.
Selection criteria for digital resources Only include items which are printed, e.g., printed from a PDF file obtained online.
Exclusions policies applied Most ephemera, tourist pamphlets, local calendars, etc. may be collected (in limited quantities) but are seldomed catalogued or listed in the Bibliography unless they contain information deemed to be significant for researchers.
Primary organisation responsible for national bibliographic control Bermuda National Library
Web site address of national bibliographic agency http://www.bnl.bm/
Co-operative structures or relationships supporting the production of the national bibliography None
Single integrated or multiple categorised bibliographies Single
Sources of bibliographic metadata used to produce national bibliography Not applicable
Relationship to national legal deposit legislation or voluntary deposit arrangements Legal Deposit Act 2008 requires Bermuda publishers to deposit one copy of all publications with the Bermuda National Library (covers print, audio and visual media).
Relationship to national Cataloguing in Publication (CIP) programme Do not have one.
Media & format options Printed bibliography, available as PDF on Library's website since 2006.
Access options to national bibliographic metadata Not available.
Metadata enhancements offered via online services PDF of full text of issues since 2006.
Web 2.0 services offered None
Frequency of service updates Quarterly.
Target audiences for services Everyone.
Uses made of services offered Possibly advance notification of publications, acquisition/selection, derived cataloguing, retrospective conversion
Pricing policy for national bibliographic services PDF files available online for free. Printed copies available by subscription at a very low cost just designed to try to cover postage and materials costs.
Availability of metadata for re-use Not applicable
Metadata formats Not applicable
Cataloguing code AACR2
Levels of description offered AACR Level 2
Subject standards Sears (adapted for local use).
Name authority standards NACO
Is NBA affiliated to IFLA SC? No
Date information submitted 12/3/2012
Information supplied by Patrice A. Carvell, Collection Management Librarian, Bermuda National Library