1. Mission statement

The Section on Document Delivery and Resource Sharing is the forum in IFLA for libraries and associations concerned with making information in all formats available throughout the world through a variety of resource sharing and document supply techniques.

The section strongly believes that information is for the use of our users and facilitating the use of information across institutional and national boundaries is our duty as resource sharing professionals. The section also analyses the changes and developments in the current information environment as well as critically incorporating technological developments. The section provides guidance and leadership in resource sharing principles and practices for the benefit of our users.    

The section supports the idea of the global library as a networked resource sharing organism that enables access to resources through the collaboration of libraries worldwide.


2.  Goals

2.1. The Section's primary objective is to extend and improve document delivery and interlending both nationally and internationally through the use of new technologies and increased cooperation among libraries and document suppliers.

2.2. Increase awareness about innovations in resource sharing practices such as interlibrary loan, document delivery, cooperative collection development, shared purchasing or licensing of electronic resources, collaborative approaches to digital repositories, or other areas in which libraries share resources to fulfil a common goal. 

2.3. Increase awareness about the possible benefits of resource sharing.

2.4. Increase the possibilities of libraries to actively implement resource sharing as tool and services (e.g. copyright).

2.5. Bring together resource sharing practitioners and professionals from around the world for networking, education, and the development and spread of enhanced resource sharing services and collaborations.


 3.  Actions to fulfil these goals.

3.1 to extend and improve document delivery and interlending both nationally and internationally through the use of new technologies and increased cooperation among libraries and document suppliers.

  • standing committee meetings in Lyon and Cape Town
  • update the web pages
  • create better communication inside the committee, between section members and publicly
    maintain mailing lists (DDILSC IFLA Document Delivery and Interlending Standing Committee mailing list and DOCDEL-L IFLA Document Delivery and Interlending general mailing list)
  • activate the blog

3.2. Increase awareness about innovations in resource sharing practices

  • open sessions in Lyon and Cape Town
  • satellite meeting in Nancy 2014
  • International Interlending And Document Supply conference 2015
  • Model Handbook is out by 2014

3.3. Increase awareness about the possibilities of resource sharing.

  • promote the use of IFLA vouchers and participate in their ongoing development
  • creating Non-network Interlending Policy Directory
  • implementing a tool for Resource Sharing Fact Sheets by Country

3.4. Increase the possibilities of the libraries to actively implement resource sharing services and tools

  • solicit and publish papers on resource sharing tools and co-operations

3.5. Promote awareness and implementation of ISO standard 18626 for ILL transactions