Offline Internet Consortium at WLIC


Wednesday 28th, Session 211

9:30 – 10:30 a.m., Room MC 3


Chair:  Ann Okerson, IFLA GB

Muy-Cheng Peich and Jérèmy Lachal, Bibliothèques sans Frontières/Libraries without Borders:  “Collaboratively produced software to support Offline Internet initiatives”

Cliff Missen, Widernet, “eGranary Digital Library:  the Internet in a box”

Jim O'Donnell, Arizona State University Library, presenting reports from:

a.  Don Means, Gigabit Libraries Network and Partnership For Public Access

Libraries and other partners using open spectrum technologies to strengthen community resilience against disasters

b.  Catalina Escobar, Makaia Foundation

Colombia-based foundation using technology to support social transformation

c.  Ahmad Ahmadian, NetFreedom Pioneers

Satellite filecasting to deliver news services to underserved populations in Iran and Mexico

d.  Laura Hosman, ASU/SolarSpell

SolarSpell device to provide basic content in the most remote developing nations locations, usually in partnership with development agencies, e.g., he Peace Corps

e.  Stéphane Coillet-Matillon, Kiwix

Classroom-sized hotspot to deliver offline regularly-updated Internet content where broadband is unavailable

f.  Nicole Umayam, State Library of Arizona

Works with “tribal libraries” of 22 native American nations in Arizona to provide best practice support for networks, education in use of networks, and alternative technologies (e.g., TV “white space”)

g.  Mary Ochs, TEEAL (The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library)

Providing a full-text and searchable database of articles from more than 450 high-quality research journals in agriculture and the related sciences