Established: 2003

Tasks: This group works in close cooperation with the CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group (CIDOC CRM SIG),. The initial task was to prepare an object-oriented formulation of FRBR (FRBRoo) that is a compatible extension of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM). FRBROO  is the name of the first and second versions of the extension for bibliographic data.FRBROO  version 2.4 was endorsed as an official IFLA standard in 2016. Since the publication of IFLA LRM, work is underway to update FRBROO  to align with IFLA LRM. the third version will be named LRMOO.


CIDOC CRM is the conceptual reference model for museum information, expressed in object-oriented formalism. Originally developed by the International Committee for Documentation of the International Council of Museums (ICOM CIDOC), it has now become an ISO standard (ISO 21127:2006).

The idea that both the library and the museum communities could benefit from harmonizing their conceptual models was first expressed in 2000, on the occasion of the ELAG Conference (European Library Automation Group). However, it was not until 2003 that a joint IFLA/CIDOC CRM SIG group was formed to that effect.

This group was originally named: Working Group on FRBR/CRM Dialogue. The name was adjusted to match the name at the CIDOC CRM SIG site where the joint meeting minutes are found. The majority of meetings are held jointly with the CIDOC CRM SIG due to the harmonization work.

The objective is to produce and maintain object-oriented versions of IFLA's  entity-relationship bibliographraphic conceptual models.

The object oriented models: 

  • retain basically the same conceptualization as the original entity-relationship formulation of the models
  • refine that conceptualization when needed for the sake of harmonization with CIDOC CRM
  • benefit from the robust formalization of CIDOC CRM
  • enrich CIDOC CRM with a conceptualization of bibliographic information, and IFLA's bibliographic conceptual models with a conceptualization of museum information
  • be likely to be "plugged" into CIDOC CRM in order to result in an overall conceptual model for bibliographic and museum information
  • lend itself, thanks to its object-oriented formulation, to use with RDF (Resource Description Framework) in mediation systems (and other possible usages) among repositories of bibliographic and museum information, and in so-called "Semantic Web" technologies (and any kinds of technologies that are based on ontologies).


Active members

  • Chris Oliver (co-chair for IFLA)
  • Martin Doerr (co-chair for CIDOC)
  • Trond Aalberg
  • Chryssoula Bekiari
  • Gordon Dunsire
  • Patrick LeBoeuf
  • Mika Nyman
  • Christian Emil Ore
  • Pat Riva
  • Richard Smiraglia
  • Stephen Stead
  • Maja Žumer