IFLA Annual Conference website

IFLA Conference

World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

"Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage"

23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy

Español | Italiano

Satellite Meetings

1. Emerging trends in technology: libraries between Web 2.0, semantic web and search technology

Dates: 19-20 August 2009
Location: Florence, Italy
Contact person: Alenka Kavcic Colic, alenka.kavcic@nuk.uni-lj.si
Website: www.ifla2009satelliteflorence.it
Audience: Librarians and information specialists
Sponsors: IFLA Information Technology Section and Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale
Publications: IFLA website, Listservers, Newsletter and invitations

2. Reading in the Digital Age: educating the passionate and critical reader through the school library

Dates: 1 September 2009
Location: University of Padua, Italy
Contact person: Karen Usher, karen@usher43.karoo.co.uk
Audience: Local School Librarians and IFLA delegates
Sponsors: IFLA School Libraries and Resource Centers Section
Co-sponsors: International Association of School Libraries
Publications: IFLA website

3. Looking at the Past and Preparing for the Future

Dates: 20-21 August 2009
Location: Florence, Italy
Contact person: Patrice Landry, Patrice.Landry@nb.admin.ch
Website: www.ifla2009satelliteflorence.it
Audience: Subject indexers, library administrators, librarians
Sponsors: IFLA Classification and Indexing Section
Co-sponsors: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze
Publications: Publication

4. Art and History: sharing Sources in International Research Networks

Dates: 19-20 August 2009
Location: Florence, Italy
Contact person: Jan Simane, simane@khi.fi.it
Website: IFLAnet
Audience: art librarians, visual resources specialists
Sponsors: IFLA Art Libraries Section
Publications: IFLA website, ALS Newsletter

5. Raising a Nation of Readers: Libraries as Partners in National Reading Projects and Programmes

Dates: 19-20 August 2009
Location: Goethe Institut, Rome, Italy
Contact person: Letizia Tarantello, l.tarantello@bibliotechediroma.it
Website: www.comune.roma.it/biblioteche/IFLAsatellitemeeting
Audience: Librarians from national, public, children's and school libraries, LIS students and professors, agencies, NGO's and IGO's active in national and international reading campaigns
Sponsors: IFLA Literacy and Reading Section and Libraries for Children & Young Adults Section
Co-sponsors: Istituzione Biblioteche del Comune di Roma, Goethe Institut Italien, Associazione Italiana Biblioteche
Publications: IFLA website, Sections’ Newsletters

6. Early printed books as material objects

Dates: 19-21 August 2009
Location: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, Germany
Contact person: Bettina Wagner, bettina.wagner@bsb-muenchen.de
Website: www.bsb-muenchen.de/339.0.html?L=3
Audience: Librarians involved in cataloguing, digitization and preservation of rare books (especially early printed books), book historians, conservators
Sponsors: IFLA Rare Books and Manuscripts Section
Co-sponsors: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Bonn, Consortium of European Research Libraries, IFLA Preservation and Conservation Programme (PAC)
Publications: Conference proceedings to be published in print

7. Libraries and Society: A Pan-Mediterranean perspective

Dates: 31 August – 1 September 2009
Location: Palermo, Italy
Contact Person: Domenico Ciccarello, d.ciccarello@dicpm.unipa.it
Website: http://www.iflamed.unipa.it
Audience: Library Institutions dealing with users and collections from the Mediterranean area; librarians planning service development expecting to benefit patrons in terms of improving intercultural dialogue; managers from public and private institutions interested in pan-Mediterranean issues
Sponsors: IFLA Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section
Co-sponsors: Italian Library Association, University of Palermo, Regione Siciliana
Publications: Meeting report on IFLA MCULTP Newsletter and AIB Newsletter; News on University of Palermo website; Papers and presentations on Post-Conference dedicated website and on IFLA website; other local, national, and international media as appropriate

8. Moving in, moving up, and moving on: strategies for regenerating the library & information profession

Dates: 19-20 August 2009, with opening reception event 18 August (evening)
Location: Bologna, Italy
Contact persons: Roisin Gwyer, Roisin.Gwyer@port.ac.uk, and Loida Garcia-Fedo, loidagarciafebo@gmail.com
Website: www.ifla.org/VII/s43/index.htm
Audience: Anyone who is interested in issues of professional, workplace, individual and/or organisational development. Anyone interested in issues of working and managing across generations (at individual, organisational and whole-of-profession level)
Sponsors: IFLA Continuing Professional Development & Workplace Learning Section and IFLA New Professional Discussion Group
Publications: Proceedings in IFLA greenbacks series, provided to conference delegates at registration

9. Libraries Plus: Adding value in the cultural community: the 8th Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services

Dates: 17-20 August 2009
Location: Fiesole, Florence, Italy
Contact person: Michael Heaney, michael.heaney@ouls.ox.ac.uk
Website: www.ifla2009satelliteflorence.it
Audience: Library and Information professionals in all sectors of library and information services and research and teaching staff
Sponsors: Northumbria University with the IFLA Statistics and Evaluation Section
Co-sponsors: Northumbria University School of Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences; University of Parma Department of Cultural Heritage; University of Bologna; and Istituto degli Innocenti
Publications: Conference Proceedings

10. P3 Conference: better library services for print-disabled people through partnerships with Publishers and Public Libraries

Dates: 17-20 August 2009
Location: 17-19 Aug: Mechelen (Belgium) & 20 Aug: Maastricht (Netherlands)
Contact person: Koen Krikhaar, p3conference@dedicon.nl
Website: www.debibliotheken.nl/P3IFLA2009.
Audience: Specialist libraries/library services for blind and print disabled people; public libraries; publishers; organisations of and for blind and print disabled people
Sponsors: IFLA Libraries for the Blind Section
Co-sponsors: Luisterpunt (Flemish Library for Audiobooks and Braille) & Netherlands: Dedicon, Loket Aangepast Lezen(Library for Print-disabled), Public Library Association
Publications: IFLA website, newsletters, journals

11. Libraries as Space and Place

Dates: 19-21 August 2009
Location: Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Turin, Italy
Contact person: John Lake, John.Lake@cityoflondon.gov.uk
Website: http://www.aib.it/aib/ifla2009/stur-e.htm3
Audience: all library and information professionals concerned with planning library spaces, new buildings and services in new buildings and spaces
Sponsors: IFLA Academic and Research Libraries Section with IFLA Public Libraries Section, IFLA Library Theory and Research Section, IFLA Library Buildings and Equipment Section, and IFLA Management and Marketing Section
Co-sponsors: Regione Piemonte, Biblioteche Civiche Torinesi (Turin Public Libraries), and Italian Library Association Regional Section Piemonte
Publications: Published papers, IFLA website, IFLA Journal

12. Conservation and preservation of library material in a cultural-heritage oriented context

Dates: 31 August-1 September 2009
Location: Istituto centrale per il restauro e la conservazione del patrimonio archivistico e librario, Rome, Italy
Contact person: Per Cullhed, per.cullhed@ub.uu.se and Christiane Baryla christiane.baryla@bnf.fr
Website (registration only): http://fd8.formdesk.com/uppsalauniversitylibrary/form1
For more details, please see the Satellite Meeting Programme [PDF]
Audience: librarians, conservators and others with an interest in the ALM-sector preservation problems and solutions
Sponsors: IFLA Preservation and Conservation Section
Co-sponsors: IFLA Preservation and Conservation Programme (PAC)
Publications: Published papers on IFLA website and on paper if possible

13. The present becomes the past: harvesting, archiving and presenting today's digitally produced newspapers

Dates: 19-20 August 2009
Location: Royal Library, Stockholm, Sweden
Contact person: Ed King, ed.king@bl.uk
Website: http://www.kb.se/aktuellt/kalendarium/evenemang/2009/Augusti/presentpast/
Audience: newspaper publishers, libraries/librarians, archivists, software providers
Sponsors: IFLA Newspapers Section
Co-sponsors: IFLA Preservation and Conservation Programme (PAC)
Publications: Publication of the papers

14. Preserving the cultural legacy of serials: from conservation (print and manuscript) to reformatting (many formats) to digital (bytes)


Dates: 19-21 August 2009
Location: Bolzano, Italy
Contact person: Ann Okerson, ann.okerson@yale.edu
Website: www.library.yale.edu/socrspre2009
Audience: serials librarians interested in tools, techniques, and most current practices for making serials available to the worldwide reader community in perpetuity; the papers will focus on choices to be made, pros and cons, of different approaches; and will highlight successful projects and partnerships
Sponsors: IFLA Serials and other Continuing Resources Section
Publications: IFLA website

15. Building Bridges: Connecting the Soul and Spirit of LIS Education in Developing Countries

Dates: 19-21 August 2009
Location: Aula Magna, University Milan, Italy
Contact person: Ismail Abdullahi, iabdullahi@NCCU.EDU
Website: http://www.nccuslis.org/conted/iflalisted/cfp.htm

Sponsors: IFLA LIS Education in Developing Countries Discussion Group, IFLA Division for Regional Activities

16. Digital information for democracy: management, access and preservation

Dates: 19-21 August 2009
Location: The Italian joint Parliamentary Library, Rome, Italy
Contact person: Raissa Teodori, preifla2009@parlamento.it
Website: www.preifla2009.parlamento.it
Audience: Parliamentary Library and Research Service Directors, managers and, staff as well as interested parliamentarians
Sponsors: IFLA Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section
Publications: Newsletter, IFLA website

17. Religion, Intellectual Freedom and Libraries


Dates: 19-20 August 2009
Location: Tempio di Adriano, Rome, Italy
Contact Person: Paul Sturges, r.p.sturges@lboro.ac.uk and Igino Poggiali, iginopoggiali@yahoo.it
Website: not available
Audience: Attendants to the IFLA Milano 2009 Congress, librarians from public, university and national institutions. Researchers on human rights studies and constitutional studies, teachers, representatives of the three monotheist religions: Christian, Hebrew and Islamic, other interested participants.
Sponsors: IFLA/FAIFE: Free Access to Information and Freedom of Expression Programme
Co-sponsors: Istituzione Biblioteche di Roma, (Università Roma Tre, Provincia di Roma to be confirmed), Articolo 21
Publications: IFLA Website, AIB website,

18. Service Strategies for Libraries

Dates: 19 -21 August 2009
Location: Athens, Greece
Contact Person: Christie Koontz, ckoontz@ci.fsu.edu, Antonia Arahova, tonia@idkaramanlis.gr, and Ŕngels Massísimo, amassisimo@ub.edu
Website: http://www.ypepth.gr/iflaen/index.html
Audience: Librarians in Public or/and Academic Libraries, from Library Associations – with emphasis on attendants from Eastern/Southern Europe, the Middle East and Northern African countries
Sponsors: IFLA Management and Marketing Section
Co-sponsors: IFLA Management of Library Associations Section; Greek Ministry of Education and Religious affairs
Publications: Articles – at least web published, or as a printed publication if the papers are fit for that

19. Removing Barriers to Knowledge Sharing: How can social tools be used to facilitate knowledge management in order to improve user services?

Dates: 21 August 2009
Location: Goethe Institute, Milan, Italy
Contact Person: Elisabeth Freyre, elisabeth.freyre@bnf.fr
Website: www.ifla-km.org
Audience: KM specialists, reference librarians, special librarians and researchers
Sponsors: IFLA Knowledge Management Section
Publications: IFLA Website, KM website