Conference Session 91
You spoke - IFLA acted: our International Treaty for libraries and archives
Committee on Copyright and Other Legal Matters (CLM)
Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.
15 August 2011 09:30 - 11:30 | Room: Grand Salon B | SI
You spoke - IFLA acted: our International Treaty for libraries and archives
WINSTON TABB (Chair, CLM; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA) -
Legal and policy challenges for libraries in the age of digital books
Exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives in Latin America and the Caribbean
LUIS VILLARROEL (Corporacion Innovarte, Santiago, Chile) -
TLIB: a treaty proposed for libraries and archives
TERESA HACKETT (, Rome, Italy)
Panel discussion:
TREVOR C. CLARKE (Assistant Director General, World Intellectual Property Organisation - WIPO), RUTH OKEDIJI (USA), LUIS VILLARROEL (Chile) and TERESA HACKETT (Italy)
Last update: 27 August 2011