Conference Session 109
Sustainable innovation and green information for all
Environmental Sustainability and Libraries Special Interest Group
Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.
15 August 2011 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: Grand Salon A | SI
Environmental literacy and the emerging roles of information professionals in developing economies
Translations: [Français]
OLUREMI A. ABIOLU and OLUCHI O. OKERE (University Library, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria) -
Educación ambiental desde la biblioteca pública: una necesidad imperiosa
LUCÍA ABELLÓ ABELLÓ (Biblioteca Pública Municipal, Doñihue, Chile) -
Showing the green way: advocating green values and image in the Vallila Library, Helsinki, Finland
Translations: [Français]
HARRI SAHAVIRTA (Vallila and Suomenlinna libraries, Helsinki City Library, Helsinki, Finland) -
Green and growing: the impact of a LEED Library on an organization's sustainable practices
RANDY J. OLSEN (Church History Library, Salt Lake City, UT, USA) -
Innovation of using renewable energy resources instead of conventional systems in public libraries of Tehran: an Iranian experience
ZAHRA ABAZARI (Faculty member - Department of Library and Information Science, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Tehran north branch, Tehran, Iran) and FAHIMEH BABALHAVAEJI (Faculty member - Department of Library and Information Science, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Science and Research Branch and Training Teacher Center of the Ministry of Education, Tehran, Iran)
Last update: 27 July 2011