Conference Session 153

Knowledge Cafés in action: learning through doing

Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section with Knowledge Management

Congress track 5: Ideas, innovations, anticipating the new.

16 August 2011 16:00 - 18:00 | Room: 208

Knowledge Cafés are all about learning, about bringing people together to listen and participate in open and creative conversations on topics that interest them. A Knowledge Café can focus your organisation's knowledge, strengthen its networks, help a Community of Practice to get started and make knowledge sharing part of your organisation. They can be used organisation wide or just in your department to identify options for the way forward and develop innovative strategies.

This session will introduce you to a simple and recommended method of running a Knowledge Café that can be used by anyone, without any prior experience or specialised equipment. We will also run a few 'taster' topics, on library and information matters of interest to participants, to let you take part in a live Knowledge Café.

Topics are likely to include:

  • Learning from lessons learned
  • Using Knowledge Cafés as part of an induction process for elected members after elections
  • Social media and enabling knowledge sharing

At the end of this session you will be able to run a Knowledge Café in your own organisation with confidence. You will also have participated in some lively professional discussions. All you need to bring is an open mindset and a willingness to collaborate.

Last update: 28 June 2011