Call for Papers

Statistics and Evaluation Section
& Management and Marketing Section
& Academic and Research Libraries Section

Library’s Efficiency, Impact and Outcomes Statistical Evaluation and Other Methods as Tools for Management and Decision-making



9 August 2012


University of Turku, Turku, Finland


The radical change in the operational environment of libraries has set new challenges for library leadership and management. The traditional method for libraries has been collecting a substantial amount of statistical data. This is no longer enough for modern management. New ways of analysing efficiency, impact and outcomes measurement are needed to obtain better data and information for marketing and managing as well as demonstrating the impact of libraries. In addition to the quantitative data, one also needs qualitative data and methods of identifying users’ needs.

Finally, combining different types of results and data will provide new possibilities in fighting for the library’s resources and meeting the users’ service needs.

Additional information is available on the satellite meeting webpage.

Main themes

1.      Statistical analysis and qualitative methods as tools for the advocacy of libraries

2.      Evidence based management

3.      Case studies about efficiency, impact and outcomes measurement

Preliminary programme

8 Aug 2012 Library tours and delegate reception

9 Aug 2012 The conference

Important dates

1 December 2011

Deadline for submitting abstracts:

  • Proposals for papers should be in English and include a structured abstract of no longer than 150 words and biographical details of the author.
  • The papers will undergo a review process by the Evaluating Committee and eight to ten papers will selected for this one day conference.
  • The abstracts should be sent to: Markku Laitinen, the National Library of Finland, [email protected]
end February 2012 Notifications of acceptance
1 June 2012 Deadline for submitting full text of paper: the paper should be no more than 3000 words in length. The paper should be in one of the IFLA official languages, but the conference language is English. If the paper is in any of other official IFLA languages than English, an accompanying translation in English must be attached.
end 2012/early 2013 Publication of proceedings: Electronic publication to be decided.

Instructions for preparing a structured abstract

Include a structured abstract with the following format of no more than 150 words (excluding the subheadings):

  • Objective: What were the reasons for writing the paper or the aims of the research?
  • Background: What were the context and motivation for the study?
  • Method: How were the objectives achieved? Include the main method(s) used for the research. What was the approach to the topic and the theoretical or subject scope of the paper?
  • Results: What was found in the course of the work? Summarize the key findings.
  • Conclusion: What were the key conclusions based on the findings?
  • Application: What applications are identified?


All proposals must be in before 1 December 2011.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.

Congress Attendance Grants

The Finnish National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Up-to-date information is available on our Conference Participation Grants webpage.

Last update: 13 January 2012