Conference Session 173

Twinning physical learning spaces and new media initiatives - new ways to reach library customers

Metropolitan Libraries

Congress track 2: Policy, strategy and advocacy.

15 August 2012 11:45 - 13:45 | Room: Session Room 2

Chair: CLAUDIA LUX (Chair of Metropolitan Libraries Section)

  • Developing new services in a suburban context: Myllypuro Reading Room becomes a Media Library
    KURT HIRN (Myllypuro Media Library, Helsinki, Finland)
  • Tallinn Central Library's e-book lending and reading environment for e-books in Estonia
    TRIINU SEPPAM (Tallinn Central Library, Estonia)
  • Podcamp and social media: keeping the public library connected
    JUDITH HARE (Halifax Public Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
  • Walking the divide between physical and digital library services reaching the Singapore public
    ELAINE NG (National Library Board Singapore, Singapore)

Last update: 3 August 2012