Call for Papers

Newspapers Section
& Preservation and Conservation Section
& Core Activity on Preservation and Conservation (PAC)
& Genealogy and Local History Section

The Electronic Re-Evolution*…News Media in the Digital Age

Please consider submitting a short proposal to present at two upcoming IFLA Newspapers Section conferences:

  • A three-day preconference entitled “THE ELECTRONIC RE-EVOLUTION”, August 7-9, 2012, Mikkeli, Finland. This preconference will be a joint partnership with the IFLA Preservation and Conservation Section, IFLA PAC and the IFLA Genealogy and Local History Section.
  • A two hour open session with an emphasis on digitized newspapers and portals will be held during the IFLA Congress 2012 in Helsinki, Finland, August 11-17, 2012.


7-9 August 2012


Mikkeli, Finland

Theme and Objectives

The expected audience of both conferences will likely include librarians, archivists, digital curation specialists, publishers, researchers and historians. Both conferences will deal with the impact of the electronic re-evolution on the newspaper field at large including e-delivery, user participation, digital environment, and copyright issues. We will also look at the impact on (digital) preservation solutions, collection management, and physical storage.

Papers for both conferences should be written and presented in English. Abstracts (1200–1500 characters in length) need to be submitted to L. Suzanne Kellerman ([email protected]) of the Newspapers Section on or before January 19, 2012. Authors of successful paper proposals will be notified of their acceptance by end of January 2012. The full paper and/or accompanying presentation slides must be completed and submitted to IFLA before May 2012. The public presentation will be 20 minutes in length.

Note that abstracts submitted but not accepted for the Mikkeli satellite conference will be automatically considered for the joint session in Helsinki. If you have submitted an abstract for the satellite conference but do not want it to be considered for the Helsinki conference, please notify L. Suzanne Kellerman.


We are particularly interested in presentations on the following topics although other topics will also be considered:

  • The electronic re-evolution and its impact on user behaviour and expectations
  • Production of electronic news media, new business models, emerging collaborative news models
  • Collecting digital media: e-delivery, web-harvesting, legal deposit and use, metadata capture and enrichment
  • Digitisation: user participation (crowdsourcing), digitized newspapers as resources for
  • genealogists and historical research; copyright issues
  • Presentation of digital resources: collaboration of libraries, archives and museums; portals
  • Examples to adopt automated workflows for the identification, collection and preservation of
  • digital news media

*evolution (noun): a directional change especially one leading to a more advanced or complex form.
*re- (prefix): to occur again, to happen again.


All proposals must be in before 19 January 2012.

Please note

All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.

Congress Attendance Grants

The Finnish National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Up-to-date information is available on our Conference Participation Grants webpage.

Last update: 13 January 2012