Religious Libraries in Dialogue Special Interest Group

This is the website for a previous WLIC. It is archived and will not be updated anymore.

Any additional Congress Session papers that we receive after the Congress will only be added to and stored in the Congress section of the IFLA Library, a separate website built on dedicated document management software.

Conference Session 103

Confluences to share resources about religious dialogue looking for top ten books about dialogue in our countries: organizing the job

Religious Libraries in Dialogue Special Interest Group

18 أغسطس 2014 13:45 - 15:34 | Room: Salle Gratte-Ciel 1-3

How Relindial can help developing a cure information on the religious cultures thanks to new standards and semantic web?
Open access tools, religious dialogue knowledge oriented: sources, how to publicize them?

The meeting is expected as a “world café model”: 3 groups of questions with a facilitator dedicated to each table

Last update: 1 July 2014