National Libraries and the cultural heritage in the digital age
Call for Papers
National Libraries Section
National Libraries and the cultural heritage in the digital age
The National Library Section invites proposals for papers to be presented at its Open Session during the 2014 IFLA World Library and Information Congress/ 80th Annual Conference, Lyon, France, 16-22 August 2014.
Program and Focus:
The growth in digital publishing forces legal deposit libraries to face new challenges. Digital-born and digital-published content have, in the course of a few years, become central in areas such as broadcasting, photography, film and e-journals, e-newspapers and e-books, and are growing rapidly. In addition to representing a new format, the e-revolution has lowered the threshold for publication. This has caused an explosive increase in publishing channels. Self-publishing through blogs and social media in addition to the established channels creates challenges for national libraries' to fulfill their mandate. These publication channels are often located outside the areas covered by legal deposit legislation.
Topics of interest for papers include the following:
- How can we make the Internet part of our cultural heritage? Here we would like examples of web harvesting in general and more specific collection of content from blogs and social media.
- How can we secure digital content from film, broadcasting, and photography, e-journals, e-newspapers and e-books?
- How can we preserve publishing channels, such as e-newspapers that also contain video/motion images.
- Examples of modernization of legislation which includes new media and new publishing channels in the scope of legal-deposit.
In all areas we are interested in examples from every stage of the process: legal deposit, registration/metadata, long-term preservation and dissemination, and use of digital legal deposit material.
Proposals for papers should be no more than one page in length. Speakers will have 15 minutes to present their results, followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
Proposals should include the following information:
- Name, title, and institution of speaker(s)
- Title of proposed presentation
- Address and email address of speaker(s)
- Brief biographical statement about each speaker, including information about the qualifications of the speaker to address the proposed topic
- One or two paragraphs discussing the main points of the paper, including examples of important lessons the paper might offer conference attendees
- Language of presentation
- Contact information for response to the proposal
Important dates and timelines:
Please send your proposals no later than 1 March 2014 to [email protected]. The subject line of all submissions should be “IFLA_NLS” followed by your last name. For example: “IFLA_NLS–Brown”.
The contact person for each proposal will be notified by 24 March 2014 whether their proposal has been accepted or not. Papers selected for inclusion in the program must be submitted in one of IFLA’s official languages no later than 30 May 2014.
More information
For more information about the IFLA 2014 Congress, please visit the Congress website at:
For additional information on this call for papers you may contact:
Roger Josevold
Email: [email protected] or
Monica Rizzo (Chair, IFLA Standing Committee of the National Libraries Section)
Email: [email protected].
Please note:
- The committee is looking for papers that present real-world solutions. Papers that focus on solutions that are usable in multiple library contexts will receive higher consideration for inclusion in the conference program. Papers that are strictly theoretical or inapplicable to multiple contexts are less likely to be accepted for inclusion in the program.
- Every paper accepted must be presented in person by one of the authors at the WLIC in Lyon, which takes place from August 18−21.
- Authors are required to permit non-exclusive publication of papers chosen for this session on the IFLA website and digital library. Papers that are accepted but not presented in person at the conference will neither be made available on the official conference website nor considered for nomination as a best paper of the conference.
All proposals must be in before 1 марта 2014.
Please note
All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.
Congress Attendance Grants
The French National Committee and IFLA have worked hard to secure funds for Conference Participation Grants. Up-to-date information will be available on our Conference Participation Grants webpage.
Last update: 15 January 2014