UNESCO PERSIST project is looking for your input

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19 August, 13:45-14:45


Forum 1

UNESCO PERSIST project​During this year’s UNESCO session, the content selection task force of the UNESCO PERSIST project is looking for your input at today's meeting.

The session will focus on content selection for digital preservation and will start off with a position paper, outlining the problem of content quantity we currently are dealing with in heritage institutions around the world. Three case studies will highlight how libraries in France, New Zealand and South Africa approach this challenge. The task force welcomes views from the audience on this topic in order to further the position paper. As a follow up over the next half year, the task force would like to expand the position paper to gain a thorough understanding of digital content selection for preservation.


The UNESCO/UBC Vancouver Declaration was launched in early 2013, following the Vancouver UNESCO Memory of the World Conference in 2012.

The Declaration calls on the heritage sector, governments and the industry to work together on digital preservation. This was followed up by a high level expert meeting where all three sectors were represented, in The Hague in December 2013.

The expert meeting established three main areas which will need definition and agreement in order to have a common ground to proceed with the cooperation. All parties agreed to be involved in the task forces resulting from this meeting.

Each task force is conducting its own workshops or meetings, focusing on:

  • Content selection for digital preservation
    • The content selection task force is responsible for the present workshop
  • Technical solutions for digital preservation
    • The technical task force will hold a workshop at the ICA Conference in Girona in October 2014
  • Policy solutions for digital preservation
    • The policy task force is likely to hold a broader meeting in early 2015

Last update: 19 August 2014