Congress theme: “Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities”

星期三, 21 八月 2013

A tapestry of information at the Poster Session

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Poster Session115 posters are on display at the Poster Session in the Exhibition Hall. Together they present a myriad of information for visitors, ranging from a library focusing solely on marine science to one hosting a Harry Potter Festival.

Walking between the crowded alleys, one would be happily inundated with paraphernalia and friendly smiles from representatives eager to share their work and materials presented on the boards. Some posters were informal whilst others were more in-depth.


The right to e-Read

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The Right to eReadSix speakers, all from different countries, shared the key issues surrounding eBooks and eLending in their regions on Monday’s all day eBook session.

Publishers and authors are generally concerned with the impact of libraries’ eBook circulation and their financial viability. Klaus-Peter Böttger from European Bureau of Library Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA) shared a recent case where Dutch libraries went to court to make sure they can lend eBooks. Margaret Allen shared that Australians are generally unhappy with the lack of Australian content and bestsellers’ availability. Keith Fiels of the American Library Association (ALA) covered author concerns on control of works, libraries’ impact on sales and ALA’s positive engagement with the big six (now five) publishers.


Future standards: infinite possibilities


21 八月, 11:45-13:45


Summit 2

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IFLA Committee on Standards open session

Over the last 50 years, IFLA has produced a wide range of standards and guidelines in all fields of library and information services. IFLA professional units have been very active in identifying and responding to the need to have common sets of rules and practices that ensure high quality information and library services. In the ever evolving international information and library environment, up to date standards and guidelines are needed to assess and develop new activities and services. IFLA has a strong role to play to promote understanding and expertise among professionals working in this field.
