
Advocacy image

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to improve evidence-informed decision-making in preparation for the next crisis, but librarians are rarely part of conversation.

In response we are developing an Advocacy Toolkit for Global and Disaster Health, for use by librarians in multiple sectors and to better inform key stakeholders. As part of this work, we are identifying and capturing good practice examples from different sectors and regions.

A second working group is developing an advocacy campaign ‘Access to health information as part of human rights’, in collaboration with Health Information for All. This contributes towards the SDGs including public access to health and wellness information in support of SDG 3 and Equitable access to information as trusted institutions under SDG 10.

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Skills building

We have an ongoing project collating data on what skills training is already available, and identifying any gaps in training provision, whilst seeking to improve equity and sustainability of access.

Alongside promoting existing training materials, a skills-based webinar will be run in 2023 in response to highlighted training needs.

Resources / publications supporting evidence-based practice

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As part of this project we are developing and updating our E4GDH guides signposting high-quality resources, and promoting the publications of our peers, in support of evidence-based practice.

An E4GDH webinar with Librarian Reserve Corps will coincide with the release of their best practice guidelines for searching during a public health emergency.

Come and join us!

We welcome requests to find out more about our work, and volunteers to join our various projects. [E4GDHteam]
Our Advisory Group works closely with the nominated E4GDH committee, bringing valuable experience and expertise.