Draft — December 2009

IFLA – Information Literacy Section / UNESCO

Prepared by

Jesús Lau
Universidad Veracruzana
Veracruz (Mexico)

Jesús Cortes
Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
Ciudad Juarez (Mexico)

The aim of writing this marketing manual is to promote the use of the Information Literacy IFLA – UNESCO logo. The logo was selected from an international competition with the objective of creating an image that would strengthen communication between participants in  Information Literacy (IL) programs: those who fund them, the institutions and organizations; those who facilitate the programs, the trainers; and those who benefit from developing information competencies, the learners. The adoption and use of the logo by information literacy professionals will make it an easily recognizable symbol for IL across countries, and will therefore, make IL communication easier. 

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Full-text [English – PDF]

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