IFLA –Smernice za šolske knjižnice, 2. dopolnjena izdaja
- 2019-11-26
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the sch...
Explore IFLA Standards, key publications, and core documents and more! All Resources are drawn from our ever-expanding institutional repository.
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the sch...
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the sch...
This Annual report contains information about fulfilment of Section’s objectives: 1) Provide professional development ...
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the sch...
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the sch...
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the sch...
تقارير إفلا الاحترافية 77 ). تم ) IFLA / UNESCO تشكل هذه التوجيهات الإصدار ...
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the sch...
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the sch...
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the sch...
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA/UNESCO School Library Guidelines (IFLA Professional Reports 7...
Diese Richtlinien bilden die zweite Ausgabe der IFLA/UNESCO Richtlinien (IFLA Professional Report 77). Die erste Ausgabe...
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the sch...
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the sch...
The IASL / IFLA Joint Committee has developed a set of workshop materials based on the IFLA School Library Guidelines, 2...
Ces recommandations constituent la seconde édition des Recommandations IFLA/UNESCO pour les bibliothèques scolaires (R...
This book illuminates school librarian and teacher librarian education and training in light of the 2015 IFLA School Lib...
These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the sch...
This 2nd edition of the highly successful Global Library and Information Science presents an up-to-date review of intern...