For the position of Governing Board Member 2017-2019

Alim Garga

Alim Garga is senior librarian, President of Cameroon Association of Librarians, Documentalists, and Museographers, known as ABADCAM. He works for the National Assembly of Cameroon as Director of Library. He is currently SC member of IFLA/MLAS, BSLA coordinator for French Speaking Countries in AFRICA, AFLIA representative in Central Africa. He is a very active member of African and Global Librarian Community, working in the Library and Information field for more than 25 years.

He obtained his professional library qualifications from Ecole des Bibliothécaires Archivistes et Documentalistes (EBAD) DAKAR SENEGAL and graduated in France (Bachelor in Public Administration, Bachelor in History from University Lyon III, Master’s Degree in History from University Jean Moulin Lyon III, DEA in Political Science from  Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lyon, University Lyon II.

Alim Garga
Cameroon Association of Librarians, Documentalists, and Museographers (ABADCAM)