MetLib Conference 2023
Please mark your calendars for 2-4 October 2023 for the IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Section (MetLib) Conference in Buenos Aries, Argentina.
For the first time since 1982 the Metlib Conference will be held in Latin America next Oct 2nd-4th 2023! Let’s meet in Buenos Aires, Argentina, one of the main western cultural metropolis, and former Iberoamerican Culture Capital. MetLib, the Metropolitan Libraries Section of IFLA, is for libraries serving cities with more than 400,000 inhabitants.
The theme for this year will be “Participatory, Inclusive and Sustainable Libraries for the Future”. Metropolitan libraries can have an important role in helping to address these issues, bring people together, and help them exercise their rights .
Come and share your experiences, or get in touch with the global community of metropolitan libraries from around the world. We will also have the chance to experience the vibrant cultural life of Buenos Aires, its libraries, theaters, cultural centers, museums, and much more.
And if you come from far away and wish to extend your trip Buenos Aires is the perfect gateway to get to know Argentina, from the Andes in the west to the Atlantic Ocean in Patagonia, from the tropical forest in the north to the most southern city in the world.
For more information, please visit the MetLib 2023 Conference website.