IFLA.org and its subdomains

The Notice and Takedown procedure applies to content hosted on the IFLA.ORG domain and subdomains only. Third-party social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram each have their own Notice and Takedown procedures, which are complimented by our social media house rules (see below).

If the content is no longer online, IFLA will notify the reporter. The complaint will be regarded as settled.

IFLA will make efforts to contact the author or administrator of the content. IFLA will specify that a response must be forthcoming within seven working days. The author or administrator will respond to IFLA. IFLA will pass the response on to the reporter. If the reporter is satisfied with the response, the complaint will be regarded as settled.

If the reporter requests that content be removed but the author is not willing to remove or modify the information, IFLA can assess whether the complaint is founded and will refer the matter to the Governing Board and legal advisors. IFLA may give the author the benefit of the doubt, and therefore in some instances content may remain available while the complaint is active. IFLA can remove or block the content in question and notify the reporter and author. The complaint will be regarded as settled.

If the IFLA Governing Board determines that the report is unfounded, IFLA can provide the reporter with a report of findings. The complaint will be regarded as settled.

Upon receiving a written report via the IFLA website or other means, IFLA Headquarters staff will send a confirmation of receipt to the reporter within two working days. IFLA Headquarters staff will check the details of the report and ask reporters to complete any missing details. All mandatory details (“Required fields”) are marked as such in the report form.

IFLA social media house rules

At IFLA, we maintain an official presence on various social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Instagram, and X (formerly known as Twitter). We encourage lively debate, engagement, feedback, and comments within these channels. Our goal is to foster virtual spaces where our members, volunteers, partners, various stakeholders, and the general public can engage with our organization, and each other, while staying informed about IFLA activities and projects.

To ensure a safe, inclusive, and respectful community for all participants, we have established a set of house rules that our moderators will apply across our social media channels.

Content moderation

We ask that you refrain from posting any content (including comments, images, files, links, videos, or private messages) that fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Threatening, harassing, abusive, insulting, violent, cyberbullying, inciting violence, or otherwise inflammatory to others, including IFLA staff and members of our community.
  • Discriminatory, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, vulgar, offensive, or discriminatory language against individuals or groups, including IFLA staff and members of our community.
  • Encouraging conduct that would constitute a criminal offence against others, including IFLA staff and community members.
  • Spam, duplicate comments, and posts advertising commercial services or products.
  • Content that may infringe on intellectual property and/or privacy rights.
  • Defamatory, false, or misleading information.
  • Content that is off-topic or unrelated to IFLA or the Library and Information Science (LIS) field.

Blocking, content removal, warnings, and suspensions

Please note that any user-posted content that we believe falls into one or more of the aforementioned categories, violates the terms and policies of a social media site itself. We deem such content inappropriate for our social media pages. Depending on the policies and tools available via the platform, we reserve the right to mute or remove such content. Furthermore, and depending on the platform, individuals responsible for such content may be prohibited from accessing our social media pages and/or reported to the respective platform moderators.

User Reporting

If you encounter a post or comment that you believe is harmful and violates the terms and policies of the platform, please report it through the appropriate channels or to the corresponding website.

We thank you for helping us maintain a respectful, informative and productive online presence. Questions concerning notice/takedown or our social media house rules should be directed to [email protected]