The terms of reference of the Study Group were revised in 2004 as follows:

  • To prepare a consolidated, updated ISBD from the specialized ISBDs in order to meet the needs of cataloguers and other users of bibliographic information
  • To provide consistent stipulations for the description of all types of resources to the extent that uniformity is possible and specific stipulations for specific types of resources as required to describe those resources

The group was disbanded at the 2007 conference in Durban, South Africa, after the publication of the preliminary consolidated edition of the International Standard Bibliographic Description.


  • Dorothy McGarry (chair)
    University of California, Los Angeles, USA
  • Françoise Bourdon
    Bibliothèque nationale de France
  • Elena Escolano Rodríguez
    Biblioteca Nacional de España
  • Renate Gömpel
    Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
  • Lynne C. Howarth
    University of Toronto, Canada
  • Agnès Manneheut
    Agence bibliographique de l’Enseignement supérieur, France
  • Eeva Murtomaa
    National Library of Finland
  • Mirna Willer
    University of Zadar, Croatia
  • John Hostage (consultant, from August 2006)
    Harvard Law School, USA

Updated: 2009-08-26